Is anyone currently in need of another player for a one shot or ongoing game in the near future? I have run DW a few times, but have never had a chance to play. I am a cooperative, mature player that won’t mess up your game. Thanks!
Edit: I am in EST time zone.
uhm, time zone?
count me in too! I’m in EST (UTC-5)
Nikitas Thlimmenos I am in EST time zone.
Alas, living in Greece I’m GMT +2. It’s a little complicated
Actually yes! I just had someone leave my game due to commitments. The game runs from 4pm Monday EST. Do you think you could make it?
Hi Burk Diggler I just saw your post. Unfortunately I have work until 5pm every Monday. Perhaps another time. Thank you though.
I’m free tonight after 5:30 pm