Inspired by Joe Banner  and Burk Diggler, I’ve modified some of the treasure tables for my planarch campaign, which…

Inspired by Joe Banner  and Burk Diggler, I’ve modified some of the treasure tables for my planarch campaign, which…

Inspired by Joe Banner  and Burk Diggler, I’ve modified some of the treasure tables for my planarch campaign, which involves many different districts and town, without a common currency. I also added a new job for the perilous journey. A lot of it is stolen from

12 thoughts on “Inspired by Joe Banner  and Burk Diggler, I’ve modified some of the treasure tables for my planarch campaign, which…”

  1. I think the buying mechanic needs some work. Because from what im reading  buying things in your price range takes you down a level or 2. So carousing could take you from buying boats to only being able to afford a room. It just seems odd that theres such a huge price for buying things in your price range.

  2. very true. I guess here’s my thinking.

    Let’s say you’re at +2FORTUNE. Well, you’ll have to throw a HUGE party in order to hear about a treasure or hoarde big enough to take you to +3. It’s exponentially harder to move up the ladder. I tried to make 0 the average wealth of a “normal” dnd game. enough to buy anything mundane.

    And I’m going to make an example item list after work. it would look something like this:

    ration -1F

    dagger -2F

    longsword 0F

    magic sword 1F

    artifact of incredible power 2-3F

    Halfling pipeleaf 0F

    adventuring gear 0F

    So if you’re at 1F, you can obtain as many things 0F or below without any problems (making weight your limiting resource)

    but buying a magic sword will cost you your current level of fortune, putting you at 0F

  3. I’m still not too sure on that. Maybe theres needs to be steps to the next level? 1 to get to -2. 2 to get to -1 and so on. but then then it might become the same kind of record keeping you are trying to avoid. 

  4. yeah….hmmm….This definitely needs more work, and I need to simplify it before I end up with:

    “every 2^x gold is divided by your current fortune, and then added to the number of people to result in your NEW fortune, after you perform a handstand for onlookers. JUGGLING, however, results in a 3d6 * you current gold is the multiplicative of the inverse proportion that…….”

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