So, I got my soft cover yesterday and today I am looking to do my fronts and maybe a custom move or two for my second ever game of DW. I am likely to be back to post up what I do to get some critical feedback on them
Love the game, very fun.
So, I got my soft cover yesterday and today I am looking to do my fronts and maybe a custom move or two for my…
So, I got my soft cover yesterday and today I am looking to do my fronts and maybe a custom move or two for my second ever game of DW. I am likely to be back to post up what I do to get some critical feedback on them
Love the game, very fun.
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As Pathfinder is giving me character creation paralysis, I’m anxious to see how you like Dungeon World in play!
We already played the first session Tony Love. I really like the style and creativity of the game. It is great to have the whole group involved in the world creation and direction. Character creation is quick, mechanics are easy and funis high. As the GM I do find it a little tiring having to be ON all the time to find the points to probe and question but I also love the amount of prep (or lack of) that there is in the game.
I am just working up my fronts today.
Did you purchase it from DTRPG? If so, how is the quality of the soft-cover. I’ve been thinking about picking up a copy for myself.
I got mine here http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/product.php?productid=18774&cat=0&featured=Y rather than Drive Thru. the softcover is very good quality and it was very well packaged. I am not in the US and the postage was very good too!
I second that the softcover is of excellent quality.
DriveThru is PDF only – we don’t do print on demand!
I must have gotten DW mixed up with something else Adam Koebel. Thank you Mark Knights and Clay Gilpin for the feedback. I think its time I picked up a physical copy =)