How’s the Weather?
I am preparing to run a hexploration game inspired by the Kingmaker series by Paizo, and I am curious how people handle weather in their own dungeon world games. Considering some custom moves for extreme weather.
How’s the Weather?
How’s the Weather?
I am preparing to run a hexploration game inspired by the Kingmaker series by Paizo, and I am curious how people handle weather in their own dungeon world games. Considering some custom moves for extreme weather.
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I once made a custom move for a dark and magic swamp… and another time for a strange and misterious desert. But I guess that’s more about “environment” than weather. Isn’t there a GM Move to change the environment in a dungeon, or something like that?
Off the top of my head, “Put them in a spot” and “Seperate them” could both work as GM moves for the weather.
er, I meant a Dungeon Move. Change the environment, specifically. I read somewhere that “dungeon” has a (very) broad meaning… don’t remember precisely where though.
Mouse Guard has the best system for handling weather challenges that I know of (essentially, weather has a kind of HP that you diminish by forging ahead, but you also have to manage your own HP representing fatigue and willpower). You might also consider looking at other games. I imagine some of the Tolkien-inspired stuff has such challenges but I don’t have much XP with those.
I made a weather monster without hp and appropriate moves. It was done for extreme cold
Nikitas Thlimmenos Steading chapter: “Dungeons can be found anywhere and in many forms.” And somewhere else, paraphrasing, “The whole world is a dungeon.”
When you venture into the Razor-Ice wastes …
When you launch a kite into the World Gyre…
there you go!
And like you said, lots of divide / change / complicate GM moves. Wind gusts or grits up equipment or leaves you becalmed, water freezes or sweeps or pounds or rots, earth collides or crumbles or dries to dust…
The most direct and simple answer is to just honestly describe the fictional effects and look at how the moves trigger differently. Volley in pouring rain might be a problem: you have to have a target to see. Moving quickly over an ice flow is almost certainly defying danger (the danger being you fall in).
There are a few places that you could tweak the moves a little, like with make camp: if you make camp in the frozen wastes without a fire, you’ve got a debility the next day.
The most work would be doing something big, like a front (the storm of the century), or some custom moves, or stat it up like a monster (maybe it is a monster). “The coming of the big storm” has been an idea I’ve floated for a future DW event supplement in the style of war.
Some weather related stuff
Have you seen the moves included in Perilous Wilds?