Some folks asked about heritage moves recently, so I wanted to link to the semi-official Guide to Running Planarch One-Shots that I posted (somewhere?) a while back. While it specifically focuses on running convention games and other one-shots (sharing the Planarch love with others), it does include the list of heritage moves I bring along for demos and some other suggestions that are useful for longer-running Planarch games. Hope you all find it useful! folks asked about heritage moves recently, so I wanted to link to the semi-official Guide to Running Planarch…
Some folks asked about heritage moves recently, so I wanted to link to the semi-official Guide to Running Planarch…
Thanks so much!!
Alberto Muti!
The mention of inter-library loans makes me want to run a campaign where the PCs are members of (or work for) the Parish Outreach Programme, AKA the Welcome Wagon, which is responsible for surveying new Parishes and registering Parish services with the right city-wide authorities.
“No, we’re sorry, your temple doesn’t actually house the requisite number of scrolls and/or bound volumes to count as a library. You can apply for special dispensation on the grounds of status IIIA, but that will take six months to process. In the meantime, we’re assigning you as Noncommital Religious Organisation/Public Access IIB.”
Alex Norris Hell, yes! I want to play that too.
Alex Norris run that thing online! Such a great idea.
J. Walton: I want more games to have adventures revolving around politics or economics or bureaucracy, because those are all interesting and potentially absurd (and therefore amusing) things to explore. It helps that in Dis’ case, surveying existing public services in new Parishes probably involves a lot of running away from monsters/falling into pit traps/meeting alien intelligences/etc.
“Okay, this is the Temple of the Thousand Dead Gods Who Endure In Eternal Torment of the Body and Soul. I’m going to need a comprehensive survey of the place by this time next week so we know whether we should file this Parish into category 11a or 11b for Active/Inactive Divine Presence.”
Keith Stetson: I wish I had the time to! Really, these days, when I say “I want to run a game” I basically mean “I want someone else to run this game so I can play in it.”
I have a new computer arriving today I hope, to replace my 2005 Macbook running OSX Tiger. That will allow me to run Hangouts myself and I definitely want to run some Planarch stuff soon.
J. Walton: if you ever end up running something at an hour at which European timezones can participate and you remember I exist, I’d absolutely love to play.
Sweet. I’m sure to make announcements on this community first, since I know folks here are already interested in Planarch.