Would anybody be up for a one-shot game with a new GM on Tuesday? I’m thinking of putting a campaign together, but I’d like to run a session or two to get comfortable with the system first. I’m free most of the day, so the schedule’s pretty flexible.
Would anybody be up for a one-shot game with a new GM on Tuesday?
Would anybody be up for a one-shot game with a new GM on Tuesday?
I could be interested, depending on the time.
Oops, strike that. I just remembered that I have a Star Wars EotE game scheduled for Tuesday. But I might jump in on a one-shot game some other time, if you’re looking for more GMing practice.
Cool, I’ll keep you in mind!
Playing in a Hangout game, rather than GMing, would be a nice change of pace. Tuesdays are usually one of my days off; however, let me double check tomorrow if I can make it this Tuesday or not. Most likely, yes, though. I’m EST. If I don’t have anything going on, then anytime pretty much works for me.
Sounds cool! I’m in Mountain time myself, so It’d be two hours earlier in the day for me. Maybe 6:00 eastern time, as a tentative start?
I’d be interested in this as well. I want to get my feet wet as a player, and Tuesday is usually a good night for me.
I’ll catch ya next time. That’s a late work day for me.
My son and I can play on Tuesday.
Actually, I’m going to have to cancel. Sorry, everyone!
One of my professors had to reschedule a test for Wednesday, so I need the evening to study, and one of my project groups has Tuesday as the only day we can meet this week on top of that.
I’m definitely going to run a game in the next two weeks, though! I’ll keep you guys in the loop, and give priority to anybody who already responded here.