Hey Tavern, can you give me a list of primarily-WIS-using classes you’re aware of? After removing the Cleric and Druid from the lineup of classes I usually offer, I’m a little short of WIS-focus in my games.
Hey Tavern, can you give me a list of primarily-WIS-using classes you’re aware of?
Hey Tavern, can you give me a list of primarily-WIS-using classes you’re aware of?
The Captain (from Inverse World) and the Psion are both very perceptive, insightful fellows, and quite different to the Cleric and the Druid.
Pirate World’s Witch Doctor uses Wis to eat souls/ guide them to the afterlife
The ole Battlemind http://www.latorra.org/2012/07/10/the-battlemind/
The Monk! http://scoundrell.com/dw/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Fantastic-Classes-Codex.pdf
Fortune teller is primarily WIS.
Ranger, if it is a travel game. Or at least, there’s an argument to be made.