Stuck for ideas to fill out your dungeons? Fourthcore Alphabet’s Dark & Deadly Dungeon Designs is free this week.

Stuck for ideas to fill out your dungeons? Fourthcore Alphabet’s Dark & Deadly Dungeon Designs is free this week.

Stuck for ideas to fill out your dungeons? Fourthcore Alphabet’s Dark & Deadly Dungeon Designs is free this week.

It’s meant for D&D 4th, but is easily converted to DW!

7 thoughts on “Stuck for ideas to fill out your dungeons? Fourthcore Alphabet’s Dark & Deadly Dungeon Designs is free this week.”

  1. Dave Tarr My favourite Fourthcore dungeon is Murder of the Maelstrom Queen, by Dr. Davy Jones, and I have been converting it to (Grim) DW in the hopes that either my #DnDNext  group or my #Numenera  group might try it in the future.

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