Anyone interested in joining a play by google doc game? I have three groups of two players. One group is posting much quicker than the others, so if you think you’d be able to post daily during the week, I’d be happy to have you.
Edited to add: The plan is to have the separate groups eventually meet, so ideally I’d get two folks who can post more during the week so the fast group has people to do that with. Fast group has a spellsinger and a paladin. Other group has a Ranger/Druid and a Bard/Brute. So looking for Wizard/Fighter/Cleric/Thief or another alternate class.
I am interested in this. I never thought of using a doc to play.
They’re pretty versatile, I think it works really well. I’ll post a thing with the link for you.
Sending you the info now.
I cannot say enough good things about GDrive as a PbP method.
I’m interested!
I’m interesting and interested.
Cool. That’s 4 of you, so we’ll prob say we’re full up for now until we see how things play out.
I posted it on my page, privately to each of you. I can add you to the folder once I have your email address.
I just got home, looking over everything now. BTW, I’ll probably play a fighter that will later multiclass into a thief. Also I’ve never used google docs before so give me a moment to figure out the ins and outs. Shouldn’t be hard.
It’s super easy. Imagine if Word had multiplayer.
I missed the boat, but I’d like to be a reader? And…. then maybe one day a player.
But for now a reader.