Quick question about CCs that I probably missed in the rules: when they say “When you [cool thing the character did] … you may take these moves when you level up”, is that INSTEAD of a regular advanced class move, or in ADDITION to?
My initial thinking was “instead of”, but that seems like it would cut off a bunch of cool abilities a character could get via their class’s advanced moves before hitting level 10 if they do decide to pursue a CC. Could CC moves be played as bonus moves players get in addition to advanced class moves when they level up? (or, is that how it’s supposed to work?)
Basically, the first move becomes a potential advanced move that they can choose when they level up. From there, all of the other CC moves are treated as class moves, i.e. advanced moves that the character can take.
They are designed to open up other options for characters to pursue at level up, but you could give them some as a freebie.
For example, one of my players was turned into a vampire recently and so I opened it up as a compendium class for him, but he started with four moves built in to demonstrate the change to his character. From there on out, he could choose additional moves from either his class, Fighter, or from his compendium class, Vampire. It’s almost like multiclassing, in a sense.
That is cool.
Or to speak more simply, instead of. I mean, you could take them in addition, but, well, then you get a lot of stuff. It gets really, really complicated.
Ask me how I know!
Compendium classes are just custom moves that modify your class move list.
Usually they open new moves you could take instead of an existing class move. They depend on the wording of the move, like all moves, so you can make them do other things if you want.
I think it is INSTEAD of, however I also think part of the intention is that you can level past level10 when you have compendium classes.
It’s definitely not part of the intention (It’s come up a couple times. I can find links and page references if you like). That said, I’ve tried it, and it’s fine. Characters just get more complex than I or any of my fellow players care to deal with.
I plan on letting my players level up to 15 instead of 10 if they choose to take a CC class. It might unbalance the character a bit, but that gives them the chance to develop both the base and compendium class.
Thanks for all the posts! I might be underestimating how complex a character actually gets after reaching level 6+ (My PCs just barely hit level 3 after our previous session), but I’ll play it by ear going forward.
I’m kind of liking the idea of the first one (or few, packed together) being free, but then to extend further into it you’ll have to make a choice at level up time.
I’ve seen a couple where the first move was automatic and didn’t take up a level advance. It’s not as though it breaks anything
I’m sure whatever you do will end up fun.
I’m a fan of “first one’s free” CCs – especially if the first move is a mixed bag.
I’ve seen a lot of games (PBPs on SA) that start at level 2, so you have a choice for your character at the beginning of the campaign.
Most CC have 4-6 Moves. That still gives you enough room to pick up other moves I think. Especially because you don’t have to take every CC move. Some might not even make sense for your character since they assume entry into the CC from a specific class that you don’t have.
I’ve considered having a compendium class be a more prescriptive experience where player gain and lose moves based on fictional triggers instead of leveling up.
I would love to see CCs like that. In my AW and MH games, I swap moves in and out like candy based on the fiction.