Originally shared by Daniele Di Rubbo
Ed ecco la copertina del primo numero di “Mondo Sotterraneo”, la fanzine italiana di Dungeon World,
Here it is the cover of the first issue of “Mondo Sotterraneo”, the Italian fanzine about Dungeon World.
Looks great, love that logo!
Thanks! Antonio Amato made it. 😉
The fanzine is going to be released in November.
Adam Koebel, I’ve seen some of the material because I’m contributing to the Fanzine. It’s really cool.
I’d really like to arrange things so that english-speakers (readers) might one day see a translation… hopefully!
How is this going to be distributed, initially? I’m not a native Italian speaker, but I know enough to get by.
Daniele Di Rubbo is the guy to talk to for this. for what I know, it will be digital-only, in PDF, mobi and epub formats.
Oh, I pray for the sea gods to get this fanzine translated to english (or portuguese? brazilian portuguese… Who knows!)
Alberto Muti spoke with words of truth!
Where should I keep an eye open?
I think you should on our horrible blog: https://mondosotterraneo.wordpress.com/ 😉