So I’m new to GMing Dungeon World and also to creating Compendium Classes and this is my first attempt at the latter. I’m creating it so I can port my wife’s 4e wizard (who is a pyromancer) to DW in a way that will stay true to her character concept. Please let me know what you think and what can be improved. It will take a while for me to fully grasp what’s too much and what isn’t enough.
So I’m new to GMing Dungeon World and also to creating Compendium Classes and this is my first attempt at the latter.
So I’m new to GMing Dungeon World and also to creating Compendium Classes and this is my first attempt at the latter.
You may want to go in there and change the share option to “Anyone with the link” – otherwise we each must ask (and then be granted) permission.
That aside, be sure to hang out here at the Tavern (if you aren’t doing much of that already) – lots of good discussion here, and it’s a great way to get a grasp of things like, as you said, what is too much and what isn’t enough, etc.
what mike said… i’m subbing to this post, tell us when we can open the file without bothering you with requests 🙂
Hi, sorry about that! Also new to Google+ so didn’t realize that was the case! Should be fixed – please let me know if not.
yes, I can read it now. It’s very focused (I guess that’s the point) and quite well written, I’d say! Flame’s Carress could, imho, grant total immunity to fire and heat damage (since the point in DW is not “what is balanced”, but rather “what could be interesting in fiction”). And I’d add some flavour to the origin of the flame power: is it a Primal Nature Spirit, an Elemental Concept, or maybe the Everlasting Fire of Hell? So that the player may describe it and, you know, create fiction around it… I like it! 🙂
Hmm… total immunity hadn’t even occurred to me but would certainly make her happy! I guess that would be on a 10+, so would it make sense to then use the 3 armor against fire for a 7-9, basically a weaker but still useful effect?
I should add I really like the idea of origin flavor. I think I would simply suggest (in the first move) example origins and let the player make it whatever they want, as long as it makes sense.
Rolling is not mandatory, you know. Just a thought, eh. I mean, it depend also on how many dragons, mad alchemists and fire elementals you plan to use in this campaign…
Oh, also a Move than lets you use Parley with certain kind of creatures (of course, fire-related creatures: salamanders, elementals and whatnot) could be cool. Or give you some kind of bonus on it, maybe make it roll on INT or something… You know, it could start as a Parley and end like “behold my terrific magmin hireling!!” 😉
yes, suggesting flavour ideas and let the player choose or invent on their own it’s the way! Alchemy and Angeology (The Seraphim are the “Burning Ones” after all!) should be taken in account, amongst other things!
and, of course, traces of draconic blood… I’m sorry, I’m flooding this thread. I’ll go to sleep now (it’s 2 a.m. here!)
Good point on rolls not being mandatory. A month ago I was running D&D4e and you can tell! Thanks for the help!
wow, just a month ago? You rock, sir!
Eh, I’m definitely still learning, but I have to say I love DW so far. We ran some sessions with a new character just to get the feel of the game prior to porting the actual D&D campaign, so I’ve yet to run my ongoing campaign this way. Will be strange because so much of it is already figured out (versus playing to see what happens, leaving blanks) but I can modify the campaign I think to fit in. Thanks again and the document is updated with your suggestions.
yeah leaving blanks is tricky.
That’s an example of what I did, maybe it helps. I made a Danger out of a mistical mask, it was a Sentient Artifact. So it had Grim Portents, instinct and whatnot, and I wrote an Impending Doom about it opening a portal to its own world. Than I asked myself “…and what kind of powers does this mask grant to the wearer?”. While I was thinking about it, I decided to leave it blank. When the PCs met it, someone of course rolled a Spout Lore (and a good 10+) so I told the PC how ancient and powerful and spooky the mask was, and I asked the player what general kind of powers it wielded. The answer was “it grants control over the shadows”. And there you go! All the rest felt easy and natural (figuring out from where it came from and such)…
I really hope my players are not reading this! 🙂
I guess the bottom line is: don’t be afraid or reluctant to ask questions. Questions are awesome. But you probably already noticed that!
This all looks fine to me. Some things could be templated a bit better but the moves are fine.
Now Tim, you can’t say some things could be templated better without suggestions… What do you suggest I improve? The game is this Saturday so I’m trying to get a finished product by then. I’m also working on one for our thief, which I’ll hopefully post up today for feedback. I’m kinda leaning on you guys that have been playing DW a while to help guide the design until I get used to it. Thanks for the feedback!