Starting up a DW play-by-google-doc game. I have 2 players so far (Joanne Tang & Patrick Nevitt ) plus hoping that Jon Michaels & Zach Mollitor might be up for it. Anyone else into it?
Open to whatever classes you want. Post frequency would be say a couple times a week but I imagine we’ll post more often when the mood strikes us.
Holler at me here if you want in or have questions!
Yeah, I’d be interested.
If it’s not too crowded I’m interested.
I’m definitely interested! Afraid I’m on holiday this weekend, so not available until Monday morning.
No rush on starting, this weekend will probably just be character creation and world building.
Hmmm. That sounds rather awesome. Still looking for people?
Play by GDocs? Sign me the hell up.
okay we’ll probably cap it there for now, see who settles in etc. thanks for the interest and i’ll post again if we need more players.
Let me know if need any more players. I would love to jump in on this. I like play by post gaming as is and this seems to be an interesting idea with the whole Doc thing. Thanks
Will let you know!
Okay, I put up a private link on my page, msg me if you can’t see it or didn’t get notified about it. And if anyone else wants to hop in if someone drops out, feel free to say so here.
How do you do that with a Google Doc?
I will take a look when I get home.
Yep. Will take a look tonight
I see that you’re full up, but I would like to put my name in the hat for later. Or another such game, should others feel so inclined.
Joseph Le May It’s similar to play-by-post, except you can edit as you go, and add comments. We use for dice rolls.
Also expressing interest for the future, or a second spin-off game. Would likely be able to drag my wife along as well.
Expressing interest in playing in the future or in watching.