This community is amazing. Deanna Nygren and I are thrilled to announce that the text for Grim World will be released under Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 3.0) early next year. We hope this adds at least a little value to the community we have gotten so much from.
We have been blown away by the outpouring of support. Thank you so much to all of you!
Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel, I hope you guys know you have created something pretty damn special here. Thanks for letting us stand on your shoulders!
Stand on our shoulders all you want. It’s game designers all the way down.
Thanks! I’ll try to remember not to wear heels…
Game designers, turtles, it’s all the same. Congrats!
Grats (again!) you guys – I’m very excited for this
I thought it was elephants all the way down.
Don’t drink too much champagne – No dammit scratch that. Go drink up!
Thanks Weem and Wynand and everyone!!! Over 600 backers! I love Dungeon World’s community <3.
So much art done and so much left to do ! I am definitely leveling up my illustration skills
That’s awesome, going to back this now
Congratulations guys! With Grim World and Inverse World both on the way, this is a good year for DW fans!
Backed! Nothing like waiting until (almost) the last minute. Now the long wait til December.
Did you seriously end with “666” backers?… a Grim World indeed.