Dungeon World: Far East
A thesis submitted to The Internet in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in The Faculty of How Not to Design an RPG.
http://redboxvancouver.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/dw_far_east_sheets.pdfDungeon World: Far East
Dungeon World: Far East
A thesis submitted to The Internet in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in The Faculty of How Not to Design an RPG.
http://redboxvancouver.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/dw_far_east_sheets.pdfComments are closed.
A plethora of moves that should be available in any DW game.
Adrian Brooks should and are!
wait, what?
It’s a collection of renamed playbooks with moves that are the same as the core but renamed or rethemed.
yes i know. I just was confused.
It is meant to be confusing. Johnstone is a zen master – this PDF is his one-handed clap.
This is awesome, and the best part of it is that the word “Shugenja” does not appear anywhere within it.
Medicine could be renamed
You can just rename the Onmyoji class, Andy, it’s pretty much the same thing. RIMSHOT!
Answers the eternal question: what’s better, Thief or Ninja?
Adrian Brooks
The human mind was not designed to probe some mysteries of the universe. They are better left unprobed.
Tim, you need to check the advanced moves on that one.
Addresses the conundrum as to whether the Sage is his own ally with an elegance that matches the original ruleset.
Introduces the mysteries of the East in an manner that won’t leave existing players struggling with unfamiliarity.