With only 2 days left to back Grim World, here’s a detailed breakdown of what to expect from the book. The physical edition will be a HARDCOVER, full COLOR, 8.5″x11″ book with an estimated page count of 150+ pages. This is a limited edition run and every single book will be personalized by the creators (that’s us!).
You might notice the page count has increased significantly (the original estimate was 80). With the stretch goals hit so far, we’ve added a lot of content. And this isn’t including the last few stretch goals, so that page count might climb higher. Plus, we’re continuing to add some awesome community contributions that fit with the Grim World theme. Thanks to everyone who has submitted so far!
Here’s the breakdown of what we have locked down so far. Any time you see a plus “+”, that means there’s a chance there will be more because of stretch goals or additional community contributions:
…7+ Dungeon World class playbooks
…6+ Fate Core classes, with theme descriptions, aspects, and stunts
…15+ Playable Species with custom moves, free aspect invokes, and portrait illustrations
…Grim World setting tips and GM philosophies
…The Hunt faction details about their structure, hidden caches, lodges, hunting trophies and contracts
…8+ DW style Compendium Classes to flesh out your characters
…7+ GM Fronts/Arcs for building a campaign
…Grim World locations and the Grim World Location Builder (roll some dice for an instant adventure location)
…20+ Monsters with descriptions, instincts, weaknesses, and portrait illustrations
…Loads of gear including new magic items, cursed items, and a Cursed Item Toolkit (to build your own cursed magic items)
…36+ (yes, 36 and counting!) additional Death Moves, including all standard DW classes, Inverse World classes, and tons for other custom classes (written by Jacob Randolph and other awesome contributors from the community)
…Full page class illustrations, spot illustrations (for species, monsters, magic items), and additional icons and sketches, all to make Grim World come alive!
To get an idea of what the book will look like, I’ve attached two art mockups, one is a Battlemaster spread, and the other is an example page of some monsters.
There’s still some great stretch goals we’re hoping to hit. Thanks for being a great community! It’s made this campaign exciting to be a part of. Only 2 days left!

The book looks great!
Hi Trent, I am a backer, and I think the art is fantastic.
Question: Where do you print the books? $50 seems cheap for a hardcover of 150 pages and such a limited print run…
That’s absolutely amazing, Trenton. I’m so impressed with the project, really happy it’s been such a success!
The book looks great!!!
Any chance to see a normal edition at the flgs? Because shipping via kickstater is very expensiv for europe. :'(
Christian, sprich mal mit David Reichgeld
Mache ich
Sorry, Christian Ebel allready have my max additional physical books ordered from members of the german community
Not your fault.;-)
Anyone else wonders what the 7th plybook will be? Or did I miss something?
Not sure about that, Skirmisher is at 20k and it says 7+ not 6+ … perhaps a community sourced playbook? Could be the reason for no FATE Version available as well… any hints Trenton Kennedy ?
It’s a community contribution we have nailed down. The Skirmisher isn’t counted yet. =)
Oh and Wynand Louw, shoot an email to Deanna, she’s been handling the printing quotes. I believe it’s between 2 companies right now. deanna@boldlygames.com
this bear has 24 HP!
So excited to be a backer!
Yep, Tim Franzke, the Ursine is a big, big bear. We’re talking house size. It may not have very thick skin, but beware its massive bulk. =)
still more then a dragon. Probarbly easier to hurt though…
Ursa Major!
Trenton Kennedy
Its okay, I’m just wowed with the value for money you guys offer!
Finally got around to pledging! I’m pretty excited. What’s the deadline for contributions, again?
Sooner the better, but the deadline is the end of the month (Sept 30th)!
Cheers! I’m burning out from writing my own kickstarter ( #pirateworld !) but have some cool ideas that I reckon fit better in yours. Should have them done by the end of September, though I might be a drained husk by that point!
Haha, I hear you. Pirate World sounds awesome. When we get Grim World out the door, let me know if you want to hear a postmortem of the whole process.
I’d really appreciate that, actually. I’ll send you a message later
17k , a new compendium class unlocked ANd someone pledged for the design level, which means an additional CC will be created, for a total of 2 new CCs! 56 hours to go!
Last call for any Aussies interested in a physical copy to split the cost of shipping. Otherwise I’ll go the pdf
Matt, I just pledged for the physical copy ($70 with shipping)! Can we retrofit?
Jeremy Riley, for sure. Sent you a message.