So our first session happened Saturday night, and the group really loved it. It was really more of a learning session for all of us, as neither the players or the GM (me) had any experience with the rules.
The group is already clamoring to play again! Here’s the audio from the first session if anyone wants to listen to the growing pains.
Though be warned, there’s definitely adult language.
Also, as a GM listening to this I see many spots where I missed opportunities or didn’t play the rules properly. If you have any suggestions to make the game better for my players please let me know. Thanks!!
The levels on this are a bit low, but otherwise that’s a pretty great AP.
Most of the playbooks in this are Jacob Randolph’s (Witch, Artificer and Templar; the Spellslinger is Adrian Thoen’s), for anyone wondering.
Yeah we were playing outside on a deck so there was a pretty good bit of background noise. We’ve got a new player this Saturday and I think she’s leaning towards the Dashing Hero.
I personally can’t wait for the next one. What kinda recording equipment are you using?
Thanks a bunch Brandon! The next session is this Saturday. I’m using a Yeti microphone from Blue that connects into my Macbook Pro and records using Audacity. Pretty simple actually.
We’ll be playing inside this next time too so the sound quality should be better.
The quality was actually fine, it’s just that everyone except Heather was pretty quiet – you should actually be able to boost the levels globally using Audacity fairly easily, which would fix that.
I’m pretty sure it’s more that she was physically closer to the mic than the rest of you guys.