With so much awesome community-built content around, I’m starting to wonder if there shouldn’t be some kind of centralized repository for this stuff. I can’t be the only person who doesn’t find G+ the best solution for collecting and organizing the output of the community. Maybe like a moderated wiki or something. Compile all the awesome classes, CCs, customizations, [Class]Week exposition, items, new moves, etc in a single place for easy reference, cross-reference, and search?
I approve this message.
I almost feel like there should be an official wiki, but we can make an official-unofficial one if Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel prefer to leave it to us. Tim Franzke, love to get your 2 coin on this too.
Ideally I’d love to have the data be more structured instead of a text wiki, but I don’t know when I’d ever find the time to do that…
Oh, yeah, this is WAY too big an idea to be handled by any 1-2 people, but I’m happy to coordinate a community effort. I do feel like a text wiki might be the cleanest way to do it, what with the constant trickle (and frequent massive explosions) of material worth organizing for future use. The Codex is great for what it is, but I think it’d be great to have, for instance, a “Thief” article that then has all kinds of thief-specific CCs, thief items, custom thief moves, Thief Week content, etc, all laid out for browsing.
And by “official wiki” I kinda just meant “my instinct is that there should be a ‘wiki’ button somewhere on the official website.” Considering the way this community runs, what could be MORE official than a fan-run wiki?
Josh McGraw Looks like you just volunteered.
Peter Johansen This post was pretty much “Looking For Group.”
What about a central github?
I could probably help some with the material-gathering, but I don’t know anything about the actual wiki-making.
Scraping together existing material is going to be the heavy lifting. Giovanni, I’ll add you to the roster and hit you up when I’ve got an strategy to implement. Any other volunteers are welcome to drop their names here. Whatever solution I settle on is unlikely to be open to public edits; I’m thinking more “lightly curated.”
This is meant to be a repository of completed work, not replace the excellent creative discussions that take place here and elsewhere.
(Suggestions for a tool still welcome, I’m looking into github now but still kinda leaning toward some kind of wiki.)
I don’t know if github work well for that sort of thing. It would fit the bill great for a lightly curated solution, but falls a little flat on the browsing and consumption side.
I’d let throw my vote in for a wiki of some sort.
I’m happy to help! In both the hosting and scraping content together fronts.
I’m happy to help! In both the hosting and scraping content together fronts.
Stil not done but:
See THAT is a great example of what I’d like to accomplish, Tim Franzke .
i haven’t even had time to update my own stuff on this…
That’s why I’m putting together a team. I may not have the time to handle everything myself, but I can manage a project. Figure I’ll get a decent number of volunteers together and assign topic areas after we brainstorm up the whole breakdown.
This idea has not died, by the way. I’m just in the middle of a very chaotic move.
Am starting to put stuff up on scoundrell.com/dw/
There’s two of us with stuff there now, and Tim Franzke was thinking about putting his stuff there too!