


Some spells from our game.


Fling something nearby that is loose and of substance at a target a long distance away. Target and those nearby take d4+2 damage. Near or Far.

Pile of Gold

You create the illusion of a huge pile of gold. Affected creatures find its lure irresistible and while playing in the pile are oblivious to their surroundings. Any range up to Near. Ongoing.

o All creatures friendly to the caster perceive the illusion and are unaffected.

o Affects half-dozen creatures of low intelligenceperception, e.g., goblins and raw guardsmen.

o Attacking an affected creature breaks the spell for all.

o Unintelligent creatures don’t know what gold is and are thus unaffected.

Weight of the Road

You increase the weight of your opponent’s equipment causing them to slow their movements. Any range but Far. Ongoing.

o The movement of a few creatures is greatly slowed.

Summon Wolf Pack

The wolves of the Far North are known to you and you to them. They will heed your call to fight.  Ongoing

o A pack of normal wolves will attack as directed. The pack will disperse when it has sustained its last hp or the spell is ended.

o The pack has your stats, does d4 damage, 3hp and 1 armor.

Note each spell is the province of a particular Order. As the caster rises in level, the spell increases in power and/or options. 

The spells presented above are the 1st level version of each.