The trade city of Torsea has finally capitulated and decided to join the Vantari Empire (after it was pointed out that imperial troops can probably deal with the looming Goliath problem). So, to welcome their new imperial overlords, the city is putting on a gladiatorial game of special magnificence.
And you, dear tavernites, are asked to create teams of gladiators to appear in the games!
Rules: a team is 3-5 individuals, almost always slaves. They must be (mostly) sentient and alive. Bows, crossbows, guns and spells are considered poor form. If you want to describe the rich person who owns the team, even better!
Marza Fal, Chanter of the House of Chalcedony, is renowned in the city for her stable of gladiators. They are always young men, selected from the blue-skinned mountain folk (Not naturally blue; their soil is tainted from centuries of silver mining, and any child who lives on its produce takes on the blue-grey shade,) and as close in physical resemblance as possible. They are trained to fight in trios, drilled with sword, spear, and shield until they function as nearly a six-armed, three-headed man. Armchair tacticians in Torsea point out that one should always attempt to kill all three as close to simultaneously as possible, since any survivors will fight furiously and without thought to safety if one of their number falls.
Shadrak High Priest of the temple of The Gracious Lady has brought forth three slaves from the temple kitchens. Two girls aged 15 and 16 and a boy age 12. They are unarmed and untrained. They shall serve as an example of what will happen to Torsea when it walks into the courts of the Vantari Empire.
Only two teams? Aww