Just a quick reminder: I put a link up for the Red Aegis kickstarter on the 1st when they had just made it past $30,000 with their Dungeon World hack a long way off at $60,000.
Well, with 3 days left, They are sitting just $7,500 short of adding a Dungeon World hack to their hack pack (with Pathfinder, FATE Core, and 13th Age already included).
Is it just me, or is Dungeon World becoming one of the top games for people to hack their setting/idea into?
Just to paraphrase Jason Morningstar
When your kickstarter includes half a dozen hacks for your game you tell me that system doesn’t matter and I loose interest.
That is where you and I differ Tim. Where you lose interest, I gain it.
I like the idea of plugging in a high concept (Red Aegis) into whatever system my group wants to run it it. I don’t want to be tied to one system because the book was written for only that system. I like having a choice of delivery method (game system) since my group tends to be a bit more system focused.
I am too lazy to convert things myself, but the concept of Red Aegis is pushing all the right buttons for me.
The next problem is that i don’t know if i can trust the hack. I don’t know who does it and how much experience they have with the system.
I have asked on the KS comments what they plan to do for DW regarding the hack.
No response yet. but it hasn’t been up long. I will report back.
thank you
Discussion is going on a few posts up with the Red Aegis creator.