The feedback on my Beholder was so helpful, I thought I’d share another classic monster. Does this work for you? feedback on my Beholder was so helpful, I thought I’d share another classic monster. Does this work for you?
The feedback on my Beholder was so helpful, I thought I’d share another classic monster. Does this work for you?
Hey guys, as a victim of his infamous gelatinous cube, keep on telling him that his monsters are way too dangerous. Please
Monsters aren’t dangerous enough in Dungeon World. They won’t one-shot you about 95% of the time. GM blues…
How did they get 4 armour. Otherwise pretty rad
I think the 4 armour is from ‘protected by magic’. I’ll check, I was just following the form in the Codex
Jerome Larre I didn’t have anything to do with the gelatinous cube, it’s in the book!
I figured as much, but it isn’t really clear. What kind of magic protects it? Remember, it’s permanent, not just a spell. At least if you go by the book
You’re right. I’ve checked the Ad&d stats and they only have AC 5 and no defensive spells. I’ll update the monster. Thanks!
Besides, illithids only had spells because it was the closest thing to psionics, before those rules were written. At least as far as I know
I would probably give him moves like Turn one against another, Eat the brain, Make them doubt. Something more precise then “Use a spell”
I don’t know, I like keeping it brief and open to interpretation. It’s all about inspiring the GM to do cool things when the fiction calls for it. Too many moves for the same ‘power’ would look like a spell list, imho.
I guess what I propose fall under use a spell and the “devious” quality. All good then