I always like to round in the direction that favors the players.
What’s a situation where you have to divide?
I agree with Jonathan Henry – I’m a fan of the character in this case.
Roland has one ration. Abe, Bob, Clyde have no rations. Roland divides his ration amongst the party. Who gets to Make Camp?
Adrian Brooks The players choose one or none.
Craig Hatler you have 19HP and make camp. How many HP do you regain?
Right. I would just integerize – 9 HP. it’s the same as rounding down, but at least you can say you’re neither rounding up nor down :P
That’s so math!
+Adrian Brooks I’ll agree with +William Nichols and add that I, personally, don’t like the idea of dividing rations. I’d tell the party they need to hunt/forage for some food to sufficiently feed everyone and make a custom move for that.
If the situation makes that absolutely impossible, well then one person Makes Camp and maybe the others take -1 ongoing until they find some rations and Make Camp themselves.
One person makes camp. The rest go hungry. Their stomachs empty, they don’t sleep well and wake up distracted and cranky. When the goblins ambush them a few hours later, they’re slow to react, fumbling with their weapons – what do they do?
I always like to round in the direction that favors the players.
What’s a situation where you have to divide?
I agree with Jonathan Henry – I’m a fan of the character in this case.
Roland has one ration. Abe, Bob, Clyde have no rations. Roland divides his ration amongst the party. Who gets to Make Camp?
Adrian Brooks The players choose one or none.
Craig Hatler you have 19HP and make camp. How many HP do you regain?
I would just integerize – 9 HP. it’s the same as rounding down, but at least you can say you’re neither rounding up nor down :P
That’s so math!
+Adrian Brooks I’ll agree with +William Nichols and add that I, personally, don’t like the idea of dividing rations. I’d tell the party they need to hunt/forage for some food to sufficiently feed everyone and make a custom move for that.
If the situation makes that absolutely impossible, well then one person Makes Camp and maybe the others take -1 ongoing until they find some rations and Make Camp themselves.
One person makes camp. The rest go hungry. Their stomachs empty, they don’t sleep well and wake up distracted and cranky. When the goblins ambush them a few hours later, they’re slow to react, fumbling with their weapons – what do they do?