Played my third session of a long standing game with some colleagues of mine yesterday.
-Druid shapeshifting into a gorilla and throwing a treasure golem out a window.
-Rogue tripping a trapdoor in the hold of a ship causing liquid flame to begin spreading across the wooden floor.
-Fighter getting mobbed by sea ghouls, getting ripped to pieces, descending to the Black Gates of Death only to reveal that one of his bonds was about a secret he had received from an NPC and that the secret happened to be a magical resurrection spell. Of course I couldn’t let him off that easily and Death grabbed for him as he ascended back to life. When he came to and the party finally pulled all the dead ghouls off of him, they discovered he had been transformed into a vampire.
I love this game.
1 Fighter, Ah ah ah!
How are you going to handle his vampirification?
I’ve seen a few compendium classes that tackled vampirism pretty well. We only play once a month (if that) so I have some time to think about it.
I was going to at first give him a custom move to represent blood hunger and emphasizing what he left behind in Death’s realm.
Compendium class is definitely the way to go. Skip the “at next level” requirement and say “you’ve got these moves” and set up a few moves to represent the kind of vampires you want – a feeding move, a sunlight move. Then you can make some custom moves to take per-level if he wants to focus on the vampire stuff – speed, strength, turning into a bat, etc.
Sounds cool. Some ideas in this:
My favorite part was that this was all keyed off of a fact established by my player and he thought it was the coolest thing ever. He had mentioned (at the start of the the campaign) that the woman who told him this secret, was a secret spy from a kingdom called Golgotha. Once this session wrapped, my mind started running and now Golgotha may very well be a nation ruled by a vampire coven and this is all part of their big plan.