Played my first game of #DungeonWorld last night, via #Roll20 and had a great amount of fun despite dice that conspired with extreme prejudice against my poor Dwarven Necromancer. Kudos to all involved in both DW as a game and our adventure!
Played my first game of #DungeonWorld last night, via #Roll20 and had a great amount of fun despite dice that…
Played my first game of #DungeonWorld last night, via #Roll20 and had a great amount of fun despite dice that…
Were you using the Necromancer from Grim Portents? I’d be really curious to hear what you thought of it.
I was, yes.
I’m afraid I can’t give a complete review as I have yet to collect any Souls with which to use my nifty and flavourful abilities and – due to my own choices in the opening fiction – I began the game sans gear. I then proceeded to roll no higher than a 6 for the bulk of the gameplay that followed, which pretty much meant that my character was ineffective despite having cool abilities.
We’re scheduled to play again in a week, so I can hopefully offer a better opinion at that point.
I’ve actually got an updated version, as the one in the magazine needed some playtesting.
I very much prefer the updated version to the original, tho I don’t have a huge basis for comparison as yet.
Thanks, I dig the new one more as well. I was too focused on mechanical effects for the first draft.
After a bit of thought, my only complaint was with the Bonds listed on the original sheet. Not that they were bad, but as a newbie I would’ve preferred a few more options.
Like, there were only 3? I kind of figured that since they’re mostly interacting with spirits, that they wouldn’t have that many bonds with others
There’s some truth in that, I’ll admit. Looking at the moves on the recent version though, how about adding something like:
I once bound an ancestor of __________ to my service.
Yeah, feel free to add that in if you feel it needs another Bond.
Giovanni Lanza
After a full evening with the updated version of the Necromancer (1st level), and some Souls to play with, I am very satisfied with the playbook. Every starting move came into play except Vampiric Touch (I was at full health), and seemed useful/appropriate as applied.
One thing I’d like clarification on: I bound 2 souls (my max) using Last Rites early in the session. A scene or so later I had need of Secrets of the Dead, rolled an 11, absorbed one of my bound souls and made use of the resulting Hold to distract an enemy engaging one of my companions.
Is that soul considered “Used” or “Spent”, leaving me with 1 still bound, or are they only consumed when a move (such as Soul Magic, or a partial success using Vampiric Touch) specifically says “Spend 1 Soul”?
When you use it for Secrets of the Dead, it’s also spent.
That was my assumption, thanks for clarifying. Might be something to specifically state in a further playbook revision, as it seems open to interpretation.
All in all, fun class so far!