Inspiration for this comes from a conversation earlier in the Tavern.

Inspiration for this comes from a conversation earlier in the Tavern.

Inspiration for this comes from a conversation earlier in the Tavern. Feel free to suggest more moves to go with the other game modes.

The Orange Grimoire

This wondrous item looks like a box with a grid of alphabetic keys, a small screen and a handle.

When you explain your predicament and press the button marked ‘Spell’, roll +INT

On 10+, the Orange Grimoire speaks a spell. The GM decides what effect it has.

On 7-9, the spell cast has one or more side effects.

On 6-, you forget a useful word forever. The GM chooses which one.

4 thoughts on “Inspiration for this comes from a conversation earlier in the Tavern.”

  1. Nostalgie, nostalgie…

    On a 7-9 you put your request in french and the  magic is spelled in english. Some strange effects occur…

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