Originally shared by Adrian Thoen
Using index cards with room/danger descriptions and GM Moves written on them as a random dungeon generator. Write a whole bunch out in preparation, and then when players move into a new area, flip a card to reveal the next room!
The idea is stolen from the upcoming +inverse world book by Jacob Randolph and Brandon Schmelz
On the cards:
Burning Chasm
Molten rock flows through fissures down into the river of lava at the bottom of the chasm. Thick, black smoke rises from the molten river below to choke those that attempt to cross the chasm.
Instinct: to burn them
-Halt them with a wide gap.
-Endanger them with molten lava.
-Choke and blind them with black smoke.
Crumbling Cave
The cave’s walls and ceiling shudder and rain pebbles & stones with alarming regularity. Darkness extends beyond the light of your party, and you can hear echoes of rustling movement out in the darkness…
Instinct: to suffocate and crush in darkness
-Rumble and rain pebbles ominously.
-Separate them or endanger them with a cave in.
-Spew forth your inhabitants.
-Extinguish their light.
This is just the kind of thing I’ve been looking for. I need more dungeon moves.