I brought this up in another thread with Tim Franzke , Josh Mannon and Kasper Brohus , but has anyone else played the old FFG setting for d20 called Dragonstar ? Crazy fusion of D&D and science fantasy?
I brought this up in another thread with Tim Franzke , Josh Mannon and Kasper Brohus , but has anyone else played…
I brought this up in another thread with Tim Franzke , Josh Mannon and Kasper Brohus , but has anyone else played…
No, sounds interesting though!
Unfortunately it’s out of print, but there are PDFs and used copies of the books out there…
I have most of the books in my vast game collection, but I never actually found someone to play it with. Lots of good ideas in there though, and I think DW could work well for the setting.
I have! I ran a couple of one-shots and even pushed my boss at the time to get the translation license. Didn’t work in the end unfortunately.
I really liked the way it played with the tropes of the dungeonverse to adapt them to space opera. Things like ecoterrorist druids and drow secret police.
Drow secret police are the best!
I never got a chance to really look at it, but thought it was unique.
Same here. It’s one of the reasons I picked up Dungeon Planet actually =)
Is this what you’re talking about? Should I buy it?
Yes, that’s it. Whether you should buy it is your choice, it’s made for the d20 system, but if you like the idea of elves, dwarves, goblins, and other races in space and with some high tech, sort of “Spelljammer if it actually had advanced technology and outer space”, then you might give it a look.