yep. i am trying to put together a hangout game again…
Originally shared by T. Franzke
Bring your own characters – Level 5. Kudos if you want to some of the stuff i made (still need to playtest)
Please post a desired class/concept beforehand.
(My stuff: )
You GM’ing, or would you rather someone else did it?
i’m ambivalent to that
I was running over hangout last night and I’m running again for my analog group tonight. The missus would kill me if I played again tomorrow =/
Tim Franzke Fair enough. Then I’ll take the chance to be a player in a live game of DW for the first time. Ever.
I’m out early this saturday morning to the Night of the Prog festival in Loreley (GER). Hope you’ll excuse me!
I’ll be at work, but enjoy!
I’ve wanted to join a game for ages. Somehow, time zones always work against me
Western European time = British Summer time +1?
Oh man….i soooo want to play that vampire….ohhh
I have to cancel that game sadly…
Bummed I couldn’t make it. You had to cancel?