Ahoy there UK gamers- 2 stray Dungeon World newbies – Looking for a GM and few others to play and experience Dungeon World with the experts. This would be our first hangout game too so some guidance and patience would be great on this front too!
Can anyone run a game from 7pm BST on any given Tuesday?
Isa Wills
I can’t run anything this coming Tuesday, but the Tuesday after that (the 23rd) I should be free. I’d be happy to run something.
That sounds perfect! Do you want to set up the event (or shall i) and we can see if we get a couple more players onboard in that time?
Isa Wills We got oooone!
Awesome! I’ll dust off the chain mail and polish my helmet
I thought you were playing a Wizard?
Let me know if you also want to play this week (the 16th), I can run a game if you’re down
I can’t make that Tuesday – Real world stuff maybe the week after the week after?
Maybe. It’s all for the better, turns out I’m out of town on the 16th
Out of interest, are characters created during the Hang-out, or should they be pre-generated?
Isa Wills If you know how, you can create a character before hand (thats what most people do) just leave a LOT of “blanks” and you’ll do the bonds over the hangout.
On the other hand if you have a lot of questions about the process, you can wait till you start playing.
On the other hand! Misha Polonsky can tell me to butt out, and stop pre-DMing his game.
Happy Hunting!
Isa Wills well we could make a start! What are you thinking of playing class-wise
Thanks for getting back Matt Smith. I think I might make a start before the session and leave the bonds for the Hangout.
Eadwin Tomlinson, I’m thinking Druid.