After a few months of tinkering, my Dark Sun hack for Dungeon World is at a place where I’d be glad for some feedback. It’s mostly complete, but you’ll see where the gaps are where a move or compendium class is missing.
It’s not a polished playset, but more like a set of detailed notes to consult alongside the core character classes. When can find the time, I’ll “Athas” it up a bit by changing the names of some moves, adding some flavor text, etc.
Thanks to all who read it and provide feedback!
Says the file has been moved or deleted.
I updated the link, Matt Smith. Still doesn’t work?
Better now
That looks amazing! Good work!
Good stuff!
Can you explain how Telekinesis works?
Can you give a few examples when elf run could be useful?
Tim Franzke, my goal with Telekinesis was to keep it relatively broad. It’s often presented with a lot of technical details, such as a very specific weight limit or rules about how to disarm someone. I tried to roll all of those possible uses into the +1 forward mechanic. The Psion can lift stuff that with 2 weight or less, so scale armor but not plate armor. From that baseline, the GM should judge what sorts of actions a Psion can take with that weight limit. The Psion probably can’t lift a person off the ground for the +1 forward (a person weighs more than scale mail), but she might be able to shove her opponent and knock the opponent off balance. Does that clear things up?
The idea with the elf run is that an elven Ranger can cover more distance in less time, requiring less rations for the journey. I’ll make that point more explicit in the next version.
Thanks for the feedback.
Yes but you need to explain what is happening in the fiction for that +1 to emerge from. There is also no 10+ result. Just a +1 forward on a hit without an explanation or hook to the fiction.
Do you understand what I mean?
I think so, Tim. I was trying to keep it vague, but the general idea is: “You successfully use your TK to create a fiction-consistent hindrance or disadvantage that someone can exploit.” One character might use a direct “TK shove” on a foe, while another might fling a group of tankards into an opponent’s face or tangle the opponent’s cloak around their sword arm. I didn’t want it to always be the “TK shove” option if you were using it on an opponent. I’ll try to add a little color to it, but in keeping with the spirit of how DW is written, I’m trying to keep the Move descriptions short and sweet.
I considered creating the 10+/7-9 success levels, but couldn’t think of any interesting 7-9 results that weren’t obvious or too close to what a GM might do on a miss, anyway. So I left it as a straight hit/miss Move.
I’ll get on that.
Tagging Travis Stout, if that’s not too presumptuous.
Great work. I am currently play Dark Sun in FATE Core but certainly love DW as well and this would make the conversion a lot less painful. Minor editorial note, I think criss crossed should replace cross crossed in the Bard: Human section
Minor editorial note gratefully accepted, Marcus Morrisey. Hope this stuff is helpful for you someday.