A few times ago I prepared ambient sounds for my DW play.
This one is called Black Swamp and is made for a party travelling in a dangerous swamp or bayou in some sort of boat.
~64Mb – 45mn
elle est super ta bo: Piste 4 de “en attendant cousteau” de Jean-michel jarre mixée sur des bruits bizarroides…qui viennent d’ou d’ailleurs ?
According to google, Philippe Dapelo said:
“it is your great bo: Track 4 “pending Cousteau” by Jean-michel jarre mixed on … weird noises coming from or elsewhere?”
here is the track. A classic of ambient from the early 90’s, and maybe the last best JMJ score.
All those weird noises are real ones (toads, insects, crocodiles, hippos, frogs, small mammals, deer, apes & J.M Jarre
You can find them here
Philippe Dapelo Jarre c’est peut-être un peu trop, mais bon, j’ai toujours trouvé ce morceau super en fond sonore pour des parties où il faut mettre une ambiance un peu pesante.
Great. Check also “On land” from Brian Eno. An organic long track who should fit perfectly the black swamp
Brian Eno Ambient 4: On Land (Whole Album 1982) (HQ)
I think Jarre is not “too much”, this track is great, one of the best for a lot of RPG. I also used to play Coc with Oygene (Jean Michel Jarre – Oxygene ) and Hearing Solar Winds From David Hykes ( David Hykes (& the harmonic choir) – Gravity Waves) and both still immediately appealing strongly CoC to my players and myself
Thanks for all those references Philippe ! I’ll check them at home as soon as possible (tonight I have my tuesday DW game).