Shrödinger’s Gun, I gave my players a pistol that was dropped in the sewer, a player move turned it into the Commissar of Ptolus’ pistol which he had flushed to get rid of evidence. I fucking love Dungeon World!
Shrödinger’s Gun, I gave my players a pistol that was dropped in the sewer, a player move turned it into the…
Shrödinger’s Gun, I gave my players a pistol that was dropped in the sewer, a player move turned it into the…
What move labeled it?
I think you mean Checkov’s gun… but otherwise, cool!
No, I think he meant Schrodinger’s gun…It’s a gun that you never know if it’s loaded until you pull the trigger. On the up side, the gun never runs out of ammo.
Or maybe he meant that the gun is was only labeled with “GUN” when they found it. It can be any gun until it matters which gun it actually is.
which player move, if I can ask? I mean, I tought you would ask them some questions (in this case, something like “X, do you recognise the gun?” or “why is this gun familiar to you?”, something like that), the player would answer you and, lo and behold, now you know what gun it is. But I wouldn’t call it a player’s move so… just asking
Nikitas Thlimmenos : Spout Lore? Can be that move.
Nikitas Thlimmenos It was a Warlock (I think that is the class) move that allows the character to call upon her dark god in order to obtain a get out of jail free card (more or less). In this situation the party had been summoned by the Commissar of Ptolus to answer for their connection to a mass breakout at The Pit. They are made to wait for hours in the middle of the night while a storm starts outside. The Commissar storms in, drenched in rain and completely ignores them to stare broodingly into the fire. Two players Defy the Danger of uttering a word that might set Igor Urnst into a rage while the third, having prayed to her dark god, approached him and handed him a gun that they had found in a sewer. I already knew that the price of the “free” new gun was that it was a murder weapon but the player did not. When she handed the gun to the Commissar saying “I know this is one of yours, the craftsmanship is unmistakeable.”, I knew what she thought she was doing, returning a treasure as a part of her move that would allow her dark god to push the situation in her favor. When the Commissar saw the gun in the player’s hand he knew that she knew some part of his shame (WHICH I DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT!!!) and so sent them all from his presence and then released a friend of theirs as well.
The core of it was that I knew only a part of what was going on with the gun and through a player’s move I was completely surprised by the result.
It was a warlock move I used Josh Mannon. But the big thing was really letting the system do what it is supposed to fiction leads to mechanics which drives new fiction.
…where’s the warlock, again?