I’m looking for three to four people, who wants to play Dungeon World this Thursday. The session should start at 6 PM, CET and is scheduled to end at 10 PM CET.
Anyone who wants to join? When the group is full, we can discuss who will be the DM, and what class each player will play.
Note: Everyone should be fluent in English (very likely not a problem) or everyone should be fluent in Danish (extremely unlikely).
Do you mean CET (GMT+1) or CEST (GMT+2)?
CET, as in (GMT+1).
I’d love to play – my English is good if slightly French sounding
No problem
One down, three to go 
For the record, I have no experience playing DW so I’d rather not DM. I’m a veteran tabletop gamer though and I run Monster of the Week these days.
I assume it’s a Hangout game – do you use Roll20?
Ehh, no? What is it?
Roll20.com – it’s a suite of tools for online gaming. Chat, dice roller, maps and counters and things. The good thing being, they have a Hangout plugin so you can play on video chat.
Ooh, sounds like something we can use
Also; two down, only two seats left 
Eric Nieudan, seems like the site name is roll20.net
I havent GMd with it yet, but as a mere player, it’s really a breeze. You need to create a free account on their website and create a campaign to use it – not sure if all the players need an account as well though.
dot net. You’re right. Them internets and their complicated address thingies =)
post because i maybe could play not sure as of yet
Post when you know if you can.
Roll20 seems like an excellent tool! You can premake all classes in there, with their class moves and basic moves, and then just let players fill out the blanks
Mind if I share this to my circles? Some people I know might be interested.
A roll20 comment I play a regularly game with guys that span across the US and one player in New Zealand. 90% of the time it is fine, perhaps a slight lag. However be prepared for 10% of the time the internet working against you, sometimes the connection gets lost or one player freezes. You might need to restart the hangout or roll20, etc.
I still like it quite a bit, but just be prepared that you might get to a really cool moment and need to stop for 5 minutes to fix the tubes.
Also unless as the gm you have specific pictures or maps you want to share, or perhaps you really want to use an online dice roller you don’t really need Roll20 for DW just start a G+ hangout and roll actually dice.
Eric Nieudan share away
Thanks for the offer but this week I can’t make it on Thursday…the only day
I’m definitely interested in next time, though!
There’s still two seats open, at least until Tim Franzke lets us know if he’s available tomorrow
We have a new adventurer! Bastien Wauthoz posted on my reshare.
So, is it just Eric Nieudan, Bastien Wauthoz and me? Would like to have at least one more
Yeah, otherwise we’ll be speaking French to throw you off ;p
Eric Nieudan -> Speak any inferior language you want! I’ll beat you verbally with all known Danish profanities.
Be careful, between a Frenchman and a Belgian, you might be overwhelmed. Bastien Wauthoz speaks Walloon and I’d even dig up a few Gascon curses.
+Kasper Brohus I run a biweekly campaign with roll20. It’s a real treat! Isn’t it, Eric Nieudan
I’ve never actually used it, but I’m looking forward to trying it
Be sure to watch the video beforehand. Great tips to get started in minutes.
So what’s the story with tonight guys – are we still on with two players?
I’ll be there and ready to rock!
I am
We are eagerly waiting for Tim Franzke to tell us whether or not he can make it, which would make it 3 players and a DM
oh wait yeah… ahem…
Tim Franzke Are you coming?
well okay
Tim Franzke Is something wrong?
No, just had to clear it with my gf. I am exited to play – probably a halfling
Lol, ok. Who’ll GM?
Bagsy not me!
Btw are there any ‘handouts’ floating around the internets fur character creation, moves and the such? I only have the French version of DW.
I’m in as a player, not a GM. Will we choose our character at the start of the game or an we already choose one?
Seems like I’ll be GM’ing then. I’ve just never used the Roll20 site before, so I guess I’ll have to study it a little.
Thanks for the link
Also, these should be the fixed sheets. Supposedly, the original sheets contained some errors.
is the Barbarian allowed?
Would you all like to make characters in the beginning of the session, or would you rather fill out sheets prior to the session?
i will fill out at the beginning of the session but i know how it’s done so it won’t take long. Why don’t you create an event Kasper Brohus ?
no problem
(so also no homebrewed races…)
Sorry, I deleted my last post, because seriously, who gives a damn about balance anyways…
I’ll have a druid, if you don’t mind Kasper Brohus
I won’t have much free time between now and 5, so I’ll decide on the playbook and create my character then.