First draft!

First draft!

First draft!

Trade Routes

For each steading on the map, create a list of one to three trade supplies they have available (their goods), and one or two supplies they need (their wants). As new steadings and settlements are discovered or established, give them goods and wants. Some example trade supplies:

• cattle

• wheat

• corn

• iron

• wood

• ale

• tools

• weapons

When you want to establish a trade route, determine what you want to trade for what and roll+CHA. For each trade supply you offer that the other steading wants, add +1 to your roll. On a 10+ you establish the route, on a 7-9 the route is established but has one of the following drawbacks:

• The route is unsafe, and there is a danger (bandits, rough terrain, monsters)

• You have to pay a “trade establishment fee” of X gp

• You’ve angered the trader’s guild at another steading

While your trade route is operating, at the start of the session roll 2d6 but don’t add any stats. For each trade supply that you’re using to fulfill the other steading’s wants, add +1. On a 10+ you’ve traded enough to generate a profit of X gp. On a 7-9 you make a profit as above, but you either run out of one of your trade supplies or the route’s drawbacks happens. On a 6 or less, you don’t make a profit and one of your trade supplies dries up or the route’s drawbacks happens.


Manager: A manager’s job is to keep track of the things adventurers don’t have time to keep track of. He manages the money that comes in, keeps track of everyone in your employ, and is what makes you an adventuring “company” and not a bunch of wandering psychos.

Balance the Books: The manager adds his skill roll to supply and trade route rolls. He also provides +1 when he helps you recruit hirelings.