Soon, my pet. Soon., my pet. Soon.
Soon, my pet. Soon.
Soon, my pet. Soon.
Soon, my pet. Soon. are closed.
Mine just did too. Should be here on thursday, and to think I used all that toner and paper printing out the pdf
Oh well.
That’s still toner well spent.
I cheered when I got the email that it shipped!
I cackled. My office mates expressed concerns.
For me it’s still “Currently unavailable.
We don’t know when or if this item will be back in stock.”
Have I missed something ?
Magi max Yes you have. Sage wrote in another post that the 40 books they sent to amazon were already sold out. They will be resupplying amazon shortly and put the book up on IPR also, which, hopefully, will ship internationaly.
Philip Espi Thanks my friend !