Well now that it is in the hands of the owner I can share some photos of some custom Dungeon World books I made

Well now that it is in the hands of the owner I can share some photos of some custom Dungeon World books I made
Well now that it is in the hands of the owner I can share some photos of some custom Dungeon World books I made
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It looks amazing!
Nice work. What would it take for me to get one of these (or another) bad boys?
I am crying hot tears of jealousy over here.
I want to go to there.
I’m quite envious of you now.
This is amazing and how do I get one like it.
Agree, how do we get one?
Kidnap Dan Cetorelli ?
A beautiful artifact!
Looking through some of the other photos in there, you do really impressive work Dan.
What are those made of?
Yes, very nice! Did you get your kickstarter going yet to get those into production?
Thanks for all the kind comments, answer to questions…
I do commissions but only a limited amount if you are truly interested you can email me at thebookguy32@gmail.com and we can chat
All my books are hand made with printed pdf’s that are hand stitched and covered with cow leather and in the case of the dragon cover snake skin. All the embossing is done by hand.
Sorry no kick starter
each book takes several weeks to complete and all have to be done in my spare time.
I commissioned Dan a few years back to do a bound and customized version of Fiasco, the Companion, and several playsets I had created. He couldn’t have been nicer or more helpful during the design and creation process. And I was very happy with the results (some of you might have seen the book at GPNW 2011). Love to see Dan doing a DW book!
Doesn’t one of those belong to Stras Acimovic?
Naw – I’m friends with Dan (I play in his GASP DW game) so you may have seen photos – but while he’s working on my book it’s not done yet