So has anybody played a character with an intentionally poorly chosen stat array? I mean dumping Int as a wizard for example. You’d fail a lot and level up faster as a result. Would it really be so bad?
So has anybody played a character with an intentionally poorly chosen stat array?
So has anybody played a character with an intentionally poorly chosen stat array?
To do it, do it (poorly).
I think you could get by on defy danger for your high stats and avoiding class moves’ triggers. “Sure, technically I’m a barbarian but what I really want to be is a dentist.”
I tried something like this and has been shunned by the group for constant trouble I bring in
That’s probably because I failed so much on Discern Realities.
But you’d still be good at the basic moves that align with the bigger numbers. So you’d not be a total write off. I’m just remembering when one of my players in a BW game I ran played a bumbling idiot wizard and was supported by the system with the game’s reward cycle. One of my favourite characters!
I’m also a huge fan of the bumbling idiot. One of my favourite ever characters was Robin Scarlett, an amnesiac peasant who’d been told he was actually an extremely skilled Rogue (the Cleric thought he was doing him a kindness). Extremely low Dex, Str, Int and Wis scores… but sky high Cha and decent Con. He was constantly bragging about the past exploits he ‘remembered’ and confidently volunteering for things he was completely incapable of doing. It was fantastic. He’d bluff his way into completely impossible situations while the rest of the party desperately struggled to survive them. And each time the party succeeded despite the incredible odds stacked against them, he became even more convinced that he was this legendary swashbuckling hero.
I’d love to play him in Dungeon World… but only with the right kind of players (and GM) around. The way that his constant bad rolls could snowball the tiniest things into world-ending catastrophes would be incredible to play.
I think Vasiliy Shapovalov and Lee F have it… it really depends on whether or not the group you are playing with can catch the same vision and have fun with it.