I’m hiring “Spike”, the female war dog. Oh, and she’s blind. Great value for that 5 GP I spent on recruiting:/
http://www.barrowmaze.com/meatshieldsI’m hiring “Spike”, the female war dog. Oh, and she’s blind. Great value for that 5 GP I spent on recruiting:/
I’m hiring “Spike”, the female war dog. Oh, and she’s blind. Great value for that 5 GP I spent on recruiting:/
I mean seriously, you could use this to roll up a whole bunch of quick DCC characters.
I got a blind war-dog too. TIME TO GO, OLD YELLER.
I got a lazy man-at-arms with 2 HP. I knew I should’ve paid that town crier…
Ha, I got a level 1 Fighter who’s the bastard son of nobility. That’s not something that could bite me in the ass later.
Careful for what you wish for. I paid the town crier and got an ex-latrine digger with a “nose” for trouble.
Blind? My war dog is a werewolf.
Good resource…and BUMP because this is useful and awesome.