Originally shared by Jon McCarty
I had intended to wait until I was home to take a picture of the books in their place of honor, but I was too excited to hold out.
The quality of the hardcover #DungeonWorld book is fantastic, as is the layout. I can’t wait to get home and settle into my favorite chair with this book.
A fine spread!
graaaa! I wish so hard that I had backed at a higher level and was now getting all this cool shit, but I’d spent loads of gaming money already that month and I was all liek “Meh, a PDF is fine…”
I am an idiot
Don’t forget to look carefully in the box before throwing it away! There are probably some dice and a pen in there! (I almost threw mine out before noticing them in there).
Adam Koebel Thank you. I can’t say enough how appreciative I am of this game. It has really rekindled my love of classic RPGs. In fact, it’s also your fault that I’m now reading DCC.
Drew Harpunea Trust me, I know that feeling. Fortunately Dungeon World was one of the first few projects I backed on Kickstarter, so I wasn’t terribly strapped, but I’ve been in just that situation on some others (Spears of the Dawn and Hillfolk specifically).
Stephen Brandon I stopped one reward tier shy of those, sadly. First thing I did when I saw the pen and dice in someone else’s pic was double check my tier, but I have nothing to complain about with all of this in my hands.
Jon McCarty II I need some kind of commission from Goodman games. Hear that, Harley Stroh? You people owe me some money. Or beers.
I guess I hadn’t realized that the tier below mine had almost all the same stuff in it! Either way, that’s a wonderful spread.
Jon McCarty II there should have been a pen and dice if you got a notebook…
Drew Harpunea – you and me both!!
Jon McCarty II if you did, in fact, not end up with dice and a pen, we will beat up a goblin for you and send them your way.
The dice. Not the goblin. Nobody wants that.
Sage LaTorra I looked at my Amazon payment and Kickstarter and it looks like I did in fact back at the ($65) Theurgist level, which doesn’t include the notebook nor pen or dice =/
Adam Koebel So if I actually got MORE than I was due, will you still beat up a goblin for me? I’m certainly not owed anything, but that would make me feel special.
Jon McCarty II we will kill goblins for next to no reason at all. Many goblins died to bring you this roleplaying game.
haha man, I so totally just went out to the garage and got my box out of the trash and shook it like a kid trying to find the forgotten toy surprise in the cereal.