How combat looks like before and after #DungeonWorld … combat looks like before and after #DungeonWorld…
How combat looks like before and after #DungeonWorld…
Cool! Can I leave a comment in Russian?
Yes man. Feel free to delivery your messege
Gospodi ! Nie gavariu pa portugalski !
Интересная статья. Ни слова не понял.
Также не понимаю ваших слов в русском языке
Vasiliy Shapovalov Hе понял ? дaвaй, читай лучше пожалуйстa !
I don’t have the right keyboard, I have to cut and paste every letter and my russian is twenty years away
Why not type in english? It’s not my mother language, but I write and read better in english than russian
I believe that my portuguese looks like for you as russian looks like to me.
Well, english isn’t my language either, and I’m sorry to confess that my spanish is absolutely useless for portuguese. Parlons français alors !