I’m working on a tag-based campaign system for Dungeon World inspired by Stars Without Number.

I’m working on a tag-based campaign system for Dungeon World inspired by Stars Without Number.

I’m working on a tag-based campaign system for Dungeon World inspired by Stars Without Number. Basically, each location on the campaign map gets two tags, and each tag provides some threats, opportunities, treasures, and encounters to seed the location.

I’ve got a list of 36 tags, but are they the RIGHT tags. Anyone want to suggest some additions? Or complain about the ones I chose?

Abandoned Tower

Abode of the Gods

Alien Incursion

Blasted Desert

Choked Jungle

Corrupt Temple

Cursed Land

Demon Palace

Den of Iniquity

Devouring Darkness

Dragon’s Lair

Dwarven Delve

Elven Refuge

Entombed Horror

Fae Realm

Fetid Swamp


Glacial Rift

Goblin Hive

Haunted Ruin

Holy Mountain

Land of Dath

Magma Vent



Lost City

Planar Gate

Plane of Air

Rift of Chaos

Spawning Pool

Stygian Depth



Wizard’s Tower

Wizards College

10 thoughts on “I’m working on a tag-based campaign system for Dungeon World inspired by Stars Without Number.”

  1.  Hmm… There’s a few for my game that seem to be missing. That may be because they don’t match the style you’re looking for. Your tags seem to be very focused on mystical weirdness (which is awesome).

    I’d add some stuff like:

    Armed camp.

    Poverty stricken village.

    Corrupt guildhall.

    Trading outpost.

  2. Nice, nice. I rolled a few random pairs: lost city in a blasted desert, elven refuge with an entombed horror, haunted ruins in a glacial rift. Seems solidly playable to me! But, yeah, there’s a lot of potential for setting-creation here in what you include and what you don’t include. Like for a war-torn world: “Carrion-strewn battlefield” “army camp” “besieged village”, etc.

  3. To any question of the form “Is this a good X?” my counter-question is always “What are you trying to achieve with X?” Otherwise I am unable to judge. It is an interesting list, but many such lists are possible.

  4. Tony– with a few additions and a little bit of fiddling, you could turn this into a list of combinations of adjective + location: Wizard’s City, Elven Temple, etc.

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