Is there any online group of players in GMT+1 timezone who play Dungeon World in the weekends on a semi-regular schedule?
Is there any online group of players in GMT+1 timezone who play Dungeon World in the weekends on a semi-regular…
Is there any online group of players in GMT+1 timezone who play Dungeon World in the weekends on a semi-regular…
Go on european Dungeon World people!
I might be interested.
As might I – assuming it was after my son’s bed time.
So that would make us three (four if I include Tim Franzke ). Declan Feeney, what time frame do you have in mind?
Is there an additional place available?
Nothing set in stone yet, so don’t worry about a lack of places
Any time after 7:30pm GMT would work well for me
Fine with me, too.
Oliver Graf Matthew Hoskins Paride Papadia Tim Franzke Seems we really need to start planning this thing or its not going to happen. I’ve attached a poll to see when works for everyone. The times listed are in GMT so you may need to adjust for where you are. Anyone interested please fill in the poll.
Also, do we have any volunteers to GM this? If needs be I’ll GM, but since I’m GMing on a Wednesday with my local group I’d quite like to play in a game.
I’d suggest we set a limit at 5 people (4 players and a GM) although we might potentially stretch to 6?
Does the doodle adjust the timezone? I see 20:30 and 22:00 displayed and in the top it says GMT+1
Edit: ah, yes, looks like it.
Yes. It is displaying times for GMT+1 if it says GMT+1 at the top. On mine it says GMT and displays 19:30 and 21:00
I am not part of this guys, just wanted to cheer you on.
Thanks for the support Tim
About being GM: I could give it a try, but I had the feeling that Markus Schmidt wanted to do it…
Oh no, I’m already GM’ing one game, I would love to be a player for a change
Ok… I will think about being GM over the weekend.
The weekend is over, obviously. And I stumbled into a other DW Session (in the German RPG Community), while trying to find out how it plays and if I want to GM it.
Result is that I decided that I don’t want to GM for now and that I will play on with this group, so I’m no longer available. Sorry!