Is there a DM Game Master that is going to Norwescon 36? I would enjoy seeing DM in our gaming room this year! Since this is a KS product if the DM overlords were to attend it would be an excellent venue to pimp the product.
Is there a DM Game Master that is going to Norwescon 36?
Is there a DM Game Master that is going to Norwescon 36?
Between GenCon, PAX, PAX East and GPNW I’m not sure I have the vacation days for more conventions! Though, given that it’s so close, I might be able to swing a day anyhow…
Yeah, I’d love to make it, but I already have a business trip and PAX East in March. I’ll try to swing by!
Completely understand the busy part. Perhaps there are members of the community that could make the DW presence known. Not that I am targeting the creators to run a game or two. Anyone is welcome to run a game.