Into every life a little stupidity must fall. Here’s some of mine. I’ve been enjoying Jacob Randolph’s alternative playbooks, but I can’t tell: is the Mage supposed to use the Wizard spell list, or free-form it? every life a little stupidity must fall.
Into every life a little stupidity must fall.
Freeform it was the original idea – I can’t speak for Jacob directly, but that’s definitely how it was positioned in the design discussions around it on SomethingAwful. Hence the Focus, and the new Cast a Spell.
That was my impression, but I have a big respect for my power to overlook the obvious right now.
To be fair, it’s not immediately obvious considering the move is called Cast a Spell and the class is advertised as a modification of the Wizard. I have the benefit of having been there for some of the design discussion!
Much obliged, seriously.
Happy to help!