Used “The perilous wilds” to prepare a “Undertake a Perilous Journey” move that my group will do this evening (we…

Used “The perilous wilds” to prepare a “Undertake a Perilous Journey” move that my group will do this evening (we…

Used “The perilous wilds” to prepare a “Undertake a Perilous Journey” move that my group will do this evening (we ended the session before launching the dice). I created 2 discoveries and 2 dangers (just in case) … and got many ideas for the adventure.

Nice results! 

Downloaded the digital version… awesome work! can’t wait to have my printed version :)

Downloaded the digital version… awesome work! can’t wait to have my printed version 🙂

Downloaded the digital version… awesome work! can’t wait to have my printed version 🙂