I just read the Detect Magic description.

I just read the Detect Magic description.

I just read the Detect Magic description… “one of your SENSES is attuned to magic”.  Did anyone ever select hearing or smell?  What do you hear when you come across a magically warded area?  What do you smell when you come across an enchanted person?

Still new to the whole thing.  Found this on page 177:

Still new to the whole thing.  Found this on page 177:

Still new to the whole thing.  Found this on page 177:

“The one thing you absolutely can’t bring to the table is a planned storyline or plot. You don’t know the heroes or the world before you sit down to play so planning anything concrete is just going to frustrate you. It also conflicts with your agenda: play to find out what happens.”

That’s just ***** #awesome