Alright so this is my first post on my favorite community for my favorite rpg Period.

Alright so this is my first post on my favorite community for my favorite rpg Period.

Alright so this is my first post on my favorite community for my favorite rpg Period. More will be coming mostly based on my experiences GMing dungeon world as well as small tricks, systems and tables that have helped me out in the hobby. This one is just a small one but I always thought it would break a low magic fantasy universe if 1 in every 4 heroes was a wizard with arcane power at his fingertips at the get go with little other explanation from my players than Uuuhhh, wizard school I guess, like Hogwarts. So a house rule I use across systems is that you can only play a magic using class or take moves/feats that allow you to cast spells if you roll a natural 20 on a d20. Now this may be harsh for your table but its what we use. If you want you can use a d10 or a d12 instead. I feel that if magic wizards clerics rangers or paladins are everywhere, that the magic really is gone from playing a magical character. What are your guys thoughts? Feel free to agree disagree criticize, expand and improve and reminisce.