Made a super-basic guide to putting monsters into the wiki.

Made a super-basic guide to putting monsters into the wiki.

Made a super-basic guide to putting monsters into the wiki. Right now, just import monsters, no playbooks, items, or moves. Soon!….soon

Any advice or assistance would be helpful. Let’s fill this thing with monsters, gents!

My girlfriend and I have recently started trying to catalog all of the classes I’ve bought for Dungeon World (I try…

My girlfriend and I have recently started trying to catalog all of the classes I’ve bought for Dungeon World (I try…

My girlfriend and I have recently started trying to catalog all of the classes I’ve bought for Dungeon World (I try to support content creators as much as possible, since this system works extremely well, and hopefully will never die!)

We’ve written our own class descriptions, mechanical tips, and roleplaying advice for every class (using the official descriptions when possible)

Feel free to add to the list, edit, or fiddle. We will keep our own copy for us, but I thought someone might enjoy fiddling with it.

Also, these blurbs are REALLY fun to write, feel free to add more than one for each class

PDFs not included

EDIT: Feel free to add to the Wiki, using this index as inspiration.

2 Questions for fellow GMs:

2 Questions for fellow GMs:

2 Questions for fellow GMs:

1) How can I make ranged combat more interesting for my players? If they stock up on ammo, then they are not threatened very often, and the consequences are already known, hell, THEY get to pick the a list!

2) How can I make Intelligence and Wisdom more useful? For almost all my players, that is their dump stat. What use do they have in-game? Especially since I don’t DM dungeon crawls, and “check for traps” isn’t a thing.

Still figuring out how G+ works….excuse the awkward sharing.

Still figuring out how G+ works….excuse the awkward sharing.

Still figuring out how G+ works….excuse the awkward sharing.

Originally shared by David Schirduan

I hope to contribute an actual Compendium Class to #rangerweek   at some point, but here’s something that has made my ranger very, very happy:

Monsters with useful properties.

What I mean is, when you make a big monster, or some cool boss, let your ranger harvest its parts and make something cool out of it. Weapon, item, potable, etc. Also, check out this Monster Hunter styled class by Boing:

Here are some of the monsters and properties I used:

-Icthus – – Your ranger can harvest the flame sacs from the fish in the pool, and the skin of the Icthus can be used to repel water, or it’s mouth can be used as a suction device. The flame sacs can be turned into fire potions, or attached to ranged devices.

-Sandshark – – The skin has sharp spikes on it, and is really rough. Can be used as a light armor, firestarter, or anything requiring lots of friction. The teeth absorb the liquid from their victims, and when turned into darts can drain the blood.

-Manticore – – The skin of the manticore is resistant to fire, the poison from the tail can be harvested, the wings turned into a simple glider, or parachute.

-Sandblaster – – The sand pouch can be used to create bullets/pellets from dirt/sand. It’s throat can be turned into an effective blowgun, slingshot, or other ranged weapon.

Have fun with it! Let your players use one monster’s abilities against the next!

Maybe I’m posting too much, but I’ve got a hankering to make a full-blown class.

Maybe I’m posting too much, but I’ve got a hankering to make a full-blown class.

Maybe I’m posting too much, but I’ve got a hankering to make a full-blown class. Here’s the Compendium Class I made to tide me over:

The RedShirt – 

They aren’t really picking on you, they just think you’re WAY more capable of handling whatever is in there. Yeah, that must be it!

**GM Note: I wanted to make a class that could scout ahead, absorb damage, and be an asset to the party, kind of like the Fool, but without having another resource to spend (Calamity). Most of this stuff is broken. **

My friend(Andrew Armstrong)  and I enjoy playing as Paladin brothers.

My friend(Andrew Armstrong)  and I enjoy playing as Paladin brothers.

My friend(Andrew Armstrong)  and I enjoy playing as Paladin brothers. We made this Compendium Compendium class to give us some cool options in DW.

Suggestions welcome, we’ve never done something like this before. We tried to make this seperate from the Skirmisher class, but obviously it draws some influences. Think of this as Skirmisher Lite.

Battle Bonded: