For my upcoming campaign, my players are going to be in a world where strong emotions can bring about super human…

For my upcoming campaign, my players are going to be in a world where strong emotions can bring about super human…

For my upcoming campaign, my players are going to be in a world where strong emotions can bring about super human powers. The campaign should constantly be escalating, with ever greater stakes. Intensity rising, until things reach a crescendo, releasing in an explosion of emotions.

However I’m having trouble choosing fitting emotions. My thoughts are to link each stat with an emotion, and create a move similar to Defy Danger that would let the players preform ridiculous feats based off which emotion they are feeling. For example, I’m thinking anger would link to Strength and would let the players punch through great stone walls, or determination for Constitution, allowing players to hold that door open even as their bones break and their muscles are filled with arrows. Of course its not something they can do at any moments, and it will have costs, but that’s not to important right now.

Most importantly, the emotions need to evoke action and movement from the players.

I’m looking for horror conventions.

I’m looking for horror conventions.

I’m looking for horror conventions.

My upcoming campaign is going to be horror themed and I want to reword my players whenever they play with the theme

What are some conventions that are possible for my players to preform? Such as investigating a horrifying danger, or trip while running away.

How do I make a NPC that is dead inside and disinterested in the world around him while also being someone whom my…

How do I make a NPC that is dead inside and disinterested in the world around him while also being someone whom my…

How do I make a NPC that is dead inside and disinterested in the world around him while also being someone whom my party will care about?

As a DM I like to insert NPC’s into the party and role play as them along side my players. This time I wanted to give my inserted NPC a bit more of a dark backstory. Something akin to – he and a girl where in love, he went away with a group promising to return to her, the group betrayed him, time passed (years) with him growing colder each day, his past love finds him but he wants nothing to do with her, she follows after him usually only a day behind, he joins the party.

I’ve seen DM’s use distant, disassociated NPC’s in the past but when they did it the party would just ignore the NPC. The thought being “If they are just going to be distant then I’m not going to bother interacting with them. I’ve got better things to do than find out whats wrong with this character”.

How do I get my players to like him?

Hey ya’ll, I could use some help. I need some impressions for a new campaign I’m starting.

Hey ya’ll, I could use some help. I need some impressions for a new campaign I’m starting.

Hey ya’ll, I could use some help. I need some impressions for a new campaign I’m starting. 

It takes place in a massive bio dome (roughly 50 miles) on a space ship. The biome is used for growing crops but it still has towns, rivers and such. Recently though, monsters have appeared and killed most of the population.

Hey ya’ll

Hey ya’ll

Hey ya’ll

I was hoping for some help for the back story for this thing. Where it came from, who made it, who is looking for it mabye?

It was given to our paladin by a NPC the party helped out. The NPC received the item long ago and was told that one day it would be needed by someone greater than himself.

Golden feather of Comrades

When you use this feather to right the full name of someone you trust with your life, their sole is bound to yours. Rather than going through the gates of Death, they continue to live on through you. They experience everything you do and can communicate with you as if they were right there. They can also attempt to ASSIST you in any way they can. Treat your bond with them as +3. Be wary though, Death does not like it when his souls are taken.